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The Europe Forum, taking place from 28 to 30 August, will bring an array of top names from the political, economic and scientific sectors to Turku at the end of August. The international speakers include former Prime Minister of Italy Enrico Letta, Director of the European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE) and respected economic expert Hosuk Lee-Makiyama, Polish Secretary of State for European Policy Agnieszka Bartol-Saurel, and Marc Lemaître, Director General for Research and Innovation at the European Commission’s Directorate-General. The forum will be opened by Prime Minister Petteri Orpo. 

Other confirmed speakers include Finnish Minister of Foreign Trade and Development Ville Tavio, former Finnish Prime Minister and Chair of the SDP Paavo Lipponen, Governor of the Bank of Finland Olli Rehn, former EU Commissioner and former Governor of the Bank of Finland Erkki Liikanen, CEO of the National Emergency Supply Agency Janne Känkänen, Director of EU Affairs at the Confederation of Finnish Industries Lotta Nymann-Lindegren, Professor at the University of Helsinki Laura Kolbe and former long-term member of the European Parliament Heidi Hautala. The views of newly elected MEPs such as Li Andersson, Henna Virkkunen, Maria Ohisalo, Pekka Toveri and Eero Heinäluoma will also be heard at this year’s forum.  

Matti Niemi, Chairman of the Europe Forum in Turku, and Reijo Kemppinen, Chairman of the Strategy Council of the Europe Forum, are pleased with the quality and quantity of participants at this year’s event. 

– It brings us great joy to witness the active involvement of major influencers in our society in the European Forum again this year. A wide range of ministers, ambassadors, executive directors, scientists and top experts will be present, coming from both nearby and faraway locations. It is important to talk about the EU during the planning stages, and, in the upcoming years, we will be involved in making critical choices that will have an impact on Finland, Niemi and Kemppinen say. 

The general public can register for the forum from 14 August 

The Europe Forum will take place from 28 to 30 August at the Turku City Theatre. The general public can follow the discussions by registering for the event in advance at Limited seating is available and will be allocated on-site on a first-come, first-served basis.

For more information on the programme, speakers and registration, please visit 

All Europe Forum discussions will also be openly accessible for live viewing online at No pre-registration is needed for online participation. The Finnish and Swedish parts of the programme will be simultaneously interpreted into English. 

All the recordings of the event can also be viewed later on YouTube:  

Once again, the autumn season of politics will start in Turku. We invite you to join the discussions on our shared and safe future!